Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis A Treat For Vintage Synth Fans

Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis is a lush album of synth music, featuring a collection of longer melodic electronic tracks that should appeal to fans of classic synth bands and vintage synths alike. In making Metamorphosis, Emmens used old analog instruments only, without MIDI. Only CV/GATE was used, on the sequences. Emmens explains: During the summer of… Read More Gert Emmens’ Metamorphosis A Treat For Vintage Synth Fans

Yamaha CS80 Synth Porn

Logan Mannstrane’s CS80 Ambient Improvisation Video Montage is more synth porn than synth jam, but it is a gorgeous homage to the king of synths, the Yamaha CS80. It also immediately brought to mind one of Vangelis’ least-loved recordings. Can you guess the album?

The Best Vangelis Interview Ever? A comment on our recent Yamaha CS-80 post reminded us of this 4 part interview, Vangelis, The Man And His Music, which is one of the best interviews and profiles of electronic music pioneer Vangelis that we’ve seen. Especially after you get past the stock footage of people walking around London. It offers insight… Read More The Best Vangelis Interview Ever?