The YouTube MIDI Controller

This video, via Gijs, documents his YouTube MIDI Interface: A arduino usb hid keyboard emulator is used to convert midi note messages to keypresses. This can be usefull to controle online videos with midi, in combination with the youtube mixer (uses the youtube javascript api).

In Bb – The First Massive, Multiplayer Interactive Music Work?

In Bb 2.0 is a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon from Science for Girls. It’s made up of a collection of YouTube videos, all featuring musicians playing something in Bb major. The videos can be played simultaneously and the mix can be adjusted with the individual volume sliders. Anyone can… Read More In Bb – The First Massive, Multiplayer Interactive Music Work?

Kutiman’s Thru You YouTube Remixes Need some more of that Kutiman YouTube funkiness? Here’s Kutiman’s complete collection of YouTube remixes, followed by a short video in which Kutiman explains how he does what he does. Enjoy! Kutiman